Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Master Scoprion & Turn in Second

How To Master 2 Dance moves in One Month

·         turns in second

·         Scorpions ((hold your foot behind your head)

I’m going to explain a 4 week plan on how to master the dance moves above, some people this may come faster than others and for some it will take longer than 4 weeks.

 Turns in Second:

Week One: every day you need to stand with a chair or bar behind you. You place your hands on the chair for support, with your back to the chair. Raise your right leg to about waist high and rotate your leg from left to right. Repeat 15 times and then do your left. After you can successfully do 15 on each leg without it hurting you are ready to move on to no chair. You then repeat the same process but not using a chair.  
Week Two: Set yourself up for a turn (I prefer to use Elvis) Elvis is when you turn to the right so you’re facing sideways. Put feet shoulder-with apart and put your hand over your head and clasp them. You then turn to the front without moving your feet and put your hands down in an “L” shape with your right hand out to the front and left to the side. You then “spot check” by simply picking something to always look at, you will be turning to the right and not losing the object you are spotting. Practice that a bunch each time setting up with Elvis.
Week Three: You are now ready to try turning.  When you turn to the back that is when you pick your right leg up and kick it out to that position you did in the first exercise. When you turn all the way back to the front you open your arms from first position to second. You need to keep practicing this and each time you will get better.   

Week Four:  Is all about editing your technique. There is always room for improvement. Here is  a link of what perfect turns in second look like.

Week one: This week you are prepping yourself for the final “product” This is the most crucial stage. You need to stretch your back by doing the “seal” and “cat” the seal is laying on your stomach while holding yourself with straight arms and knees on the floor, the cat is just putting your booty in the air and arching your back into a ball form. Another way to stretch is doing the splits.

Week Two: You are now ready to start doing a Scorpion. Grab your left foot with your left hand.  Take your right hand grab the ball of your foot and bring twist your back so it’s straight but your leg is making a “C” You hold your foot with both hand.

Week Three: Practice, Practice, Practice.  The more you practice the straighter your base leg is going to get and the better your back with arch into the scorpion.
Week Four: If you have mastered the scorpion you can move on to a needle. All you need to do is straighten your scorpion leg. Keep everything else the same, but you will need to slide your hands down to your ankle.  


(544 words)


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