Sunday, September 30, 2012

Really teachers?

Dear teachers,

We know you were students in school sitting behind the desk listening to teachers talk, BUT what we don’t understand is why do you give us SOOO much homework? It is one thing I don’t understand considering the fact you were once in our shoes. Did you like your teachers giving you 7 hours of homework? That’s right this weekend I have spent about 7 hours on homework and honestly I have about 1 and half hours more to go.

I understand that you want us to know what you taught that day but you have to keep in mind we are involved in so many different activities and we do have anywhere between 3 to 7 classes at school. If every teacher assigns 2 hours of homework it is impossible to finish! Not to mention really unfair. We are teenagers we need time to do what we want and enjoy our weekends. Considering the fact that we get hours and hours of endless homework we are just rotting away in our bedrooms doing all this work. It really stinks and it is so tiring.

I’m not saying teachers shouldn’t give us homework… although that would be so nice, all I’m saying is that they should consider our outside life and the fact that we have so many other classes with homework. I just feel that 7 hours of homework especially homecoming weekend is a bit much, don’t you think?

Another thing when a student asks to go to the bathroom why can’t you just say yes?! I mean really there have been a few times where I was debating on just peeing on the dang seat! Is it really that big of a deal if someone leaves the class for 5 freaking minutes to pee! Teachers always say “just wait till the lessons over” or “in 5 minutes” we all know 5 minutes means the end of the class. Personally I think it is so mean! I understand we need to ask but I think you just need to say yes! It really isn’t that big of a deal if we go to the bathroom, how would you like if someone locked you in a classroom for an hour and then you only had 5 minutes to get to the other side of the school, through a crowd of 2000 people and then the bell rings and your bathroom time is up. So you are stuck another hour with no chance. Just let us go to the bathroom.

Also teachers please just be understanding some times, yeah there are those students that make up an excuse every day, but there are those innocent students who maybe their dog really did eat their homework or in my case just peed on it, or my mom threw it away (this actually has happened to be like 3 times). The students that get their work done every day on time perfectly done still get punished even if maybe they found out their grandpa died so they spent the weekend out of town. Sometimes the student is  going through really tough times and just failed this test, I really just think teachers need to understand their students more, take more time get to know their life and who the student is, I think the teacher needs to respect the student up until the point the student doesn’t respect the teacher.  It is only fair.

I’m not trying make teachers hate me all I’m saying is take a break on the homework! And let us pee when we need to! Cause the next time I really gotta go and teacher won’t let me, I straight up and going to pee in the seat.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

No judgement.

Ever wonder what a world without judgment would be like? How safe just "being yourself" would be. If I was able to live in a world where there was no judgment, I would be so happy to express who I really am instead of always wondering how ___ will think of me. I wouldn't be afraid of so many options. What would it be like for you?

Instead we live in a society that eats breathes and lives off of judging other people. Personally I think it is pretty pathetic. People judge others and half the time they don't even realize it! They just simply in their head comment "ugly" "pretty" "loser" "fat" "S***" etc. a fourth of the time you are judging someone it is your friend, a fourth of the time it's a stranger. Half the time you are judging yourself. Have you ever realized how much you judge yourself personally?

Just think about every time you have looked in the mirror. Ever made a comment such as "I'm ugly" "I'm so fat" "I hate my hair" "My teeth are yellow" "my legs are chubby" etc. Girls especially have this problem with always wanting to change something about themselves. Most of the time that has to with the model figure we see on T.V., in Magazines, etc. Girls want to be skinny and beautiful and look a certain way.

In order to be a better person, one thing you can do is stop judging people, and stop judging yourself. It really takes some time because we are so used to judgment. Honestly though why would you want to continually judge someone? Do you like it when others judge you?

Recently I have vowed that I would try my best to stop judging people. To stop judging myself. It is really hard but I feel like a better person. I'm working really hard at it and it is really easy now, I really do enjoy no judgment. It makes feel really good.

So can you vow to no judgment?
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

its the most wonderful time of the year

When you hear that saying, you are probably thinking about Christmas time. Though Christmas time is great, and I love it a lot. When I think about the most wonderful time of the year the first thing that comes into my mind is Autumn Treat. It’s this ice cream from Schwan’s that come’s every year around this time. For me Schwan’s comes on Thursday and I made sure my dad pre ordered me some Autumn Treat ice cream. I could literally… well figuratively live off this ice cream. If you have never had some of this ice cream you are a fail at life. Seriously go buy some. If you have never even heard of Autumn Treat ice cream you are missing out on the best invention of the world. It is described as a “Luscious pumpkin flavored ice cream with a swirling ribbon of rich cinnamon and plenty of crunchy praline pecans.” Is your mouth watering yet? Oh and guess what?! It’s only $5.50 for a tub that is 56 ounces. YUM! I preorder this every time Schwan’s comes to the door. Not to mention when it is around February and autumn treat becomes “shortly discontinued” Oh how much I want to cry at that point. But then again just giving me something to look forward too. I usually will order about 3 or 4 when I know it’s the last week. Last year the guy new how much I love it so when it went discontinued them they still had about 3 tubs left, he put them in his truck and gave them to me! I was probably as happy as I could get.

All I’m saying is you have not lived until you try this ice cream; don’t be a loser, TRY IT! I promise you will love it, and if you don’t you are obviously not human. Just give it a try. For me? I can’t wait to go eat some Autumn Treat ice cream now(:    

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Over protective much?

Some Parents are just way to over protective. It's understandable to be protective on some things but on others you just got to trust your child. Some things are reasonable but other are just like really? Come one. Most of the time it's the really good kids that have the most overprotective parents ever. You probably thinking well duh, they are the most behaved students because they have strict parents. That's not really it, they would still be good kids with not strict parents, mostly because that is who they are. The bad kids are just bad because they are usually hanging out with the wrong crowd.
For example tracking your kid on GPS is just ridiculous. If you seriously don't trust your kid that much there is a problem. Where do you think they are going to go. I mean if you really think they are going to run away or go somewhere dangerous, learn to have a little trust. If you don't over whelm them with being overprotective usually they will be honest with you and tell you everywhere they go and what you do but it's when you are tracking them and watching their ever move that the start to lie about everything they do and everywhere they go. It's understandable if you track them so if they get kidnapped you can find them. Not like it would make any difference because if some one was going to kidnap a kid they would say “oh I trust you not to call the cops or tell someone I just kidnapped you you can keep your phone” Overall I'm just saying tracking your teenager is just over protective and bad idea.
What parent likes it when their kid lies to them? When they are too overprotective and snoopy their kids lie more. If The kid can say, “Im going to my friends house” and the parents believe them its great. But if the parent thinks “I'm going to my friends house” means “I'm going to go have a car chase with this guy and then go smoke some weed then chill at a party get drunk, drive everyone around that is also high and drunk and then go to my friends house... maybe... but I might just go somewhere else and do another stupid thing.” If you really think that of your child that is ridiculous. I'm not saying no one ever does that but if you really think your child is doing that first of all TRUST them. Have a talk with them and say if you ever go to a party and get drunk, call us, we will come pick you up and take you home. But DO NOT have there be a punishment. If they call you asking for a ride they are being responsible. If you have there be a punishment they aren't going to call you they will just drive drunk because no teenager wants to get grounded. You never know you saying they'd be grounded for 3 months because they CALLED YOU FOR A RIDE could be the last time you ever see them.
Over all I am just trying to say have a little trust in you r child. Believe what they say, it's not really fair to just assume they are lying because they are a teenager. Just trust them. Everyone lies. Im sure parents lie to their kids all time. Just be understanding a trust.
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Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's just not okay...

When I think about the things people do that isn't right, the first thing that comes to my mind is stealing. It is horrible and stupid, and really rude.

I don't see the purpose of stealing. If you really want something that bad pay for it. if you don't have enough money then save up. The product isn't going anywhere. It is also really odd that people steal because usually if they are stealing it is something like a $2 lighter or a pack of gum. It just make sense why it is necessary to steal that stuff.

What if you got caught? the fine would be way more then that $2 lighter you stole. Plus you could even end up in jail. Why would you risk it? It has never made sense to me. Don't get me wrong there are people that steal really expensive things, I don't see the point in that either. If you don't have enough money to get what you want then you should lower your standard and only get what you need. I don't mean to sound snotty about it, but seriously stealing is just really something I can't stand.
Not to mention, the fact that is it so rude! The company who produces that product and to the store you are stealing it from. not to mention everyone else in society who are WORKING to get money so that they can buy things they want. When you steal the company loses money because that is less money they get back, and the store you steal it from looses money. plus someone could have saved up a lot of money for that if it was something like a new Xbox or etc. it's rude to expect you can get it for free without getting caught but assume everyone should have to pay.

Overall I think it just something that people need to be aware of. You may think stealing a pack of gum is harmless but in reality it really isn't. There are so many risks and ripples to stealing that just don't make it worth it. I'm not saying that if you steal things you are the worst person in the world because you aren't I'm just saying that if you do steal, be honest go pay for it or take it back. Admit to your mistake, and never steal again. Please just don't do it.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why yearbooks matter

Every year it is one of the biggest days for the yearbook staff and the students that ordered yearbooks.  The process is very tedious. I am on the yearbook staff at my school and this how the process goes.

We spend an entire year. Not just an hour a day in class but taking photo’s almost every night at sports activities and fine art performances not to mention during day when there are academic assemblies.  It takes a lot of time just getting the pictures and captions and designs done. The end product is worth the yearlong stress. In order to make a yearbook great you have to capture as much of the year as possible, this can very hard at times when there is a swim meet, volleyball match, and a football game all going on in one night. As a yearbook staff we have to decide what to cover, when to cover it, and how to cover it. We want it be unique to prior years and different from other schools so the brainstorming process is very gruesome.
After a year of page designing, photo gathering, interview upwards of 100 people, we can finally say WE ARE DONE! That is the best part. You may think once the school year is over we are done. You’re thinking wrong. We have to spend long summer days glued to the computer finishing up last minute things, fixing spreads, and proofreading everything over and over.  Once the yearbook is finally done and we all celebrate, it is such a good feeling.
Distribution day it’s my favorite day of the year.  When the students finally get to see what the staff had worked so hard on all year long. The reactions are amazing, there are always those people that judge and make a point for every error we made. I don’t let that bother me because I know they don’t understand how hard the process of the making a yearbook is. Besides most of the people don’t care because over all it is still really great. That is why I do yearbook, how happy people are that they are in it and how excited they are to see it.
The yearbook is important because it really is something students treasure for years and years. In 20 years when you a friend request from so and so and you are thinking “man, I know who this person where do I know them from?” the first thing you are going to do is go look them up in a school yearbook. Or in 10 years and you are getting ready for your high school reunion you will want to go look at old yearbooks to remember everyone. If you haven’t considered buying a yearbook you really should! Or at least for your senior year. Isn’t that something you want to remember?
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Homecoming Tips

The pressure of homecoming can be really hard to handle. Guys the pressure is on because you need to pick someone to ask for one and second there is competition, you better ask your date in a cute way other wise it's pointless. A lot of girls wont say yes unless they are asked in a creative and cute way.
here are some cute ways to ask your date. Girls ever thought about saying yes in a cute way? I'll give you a few tips as well:

Ways to ask:
1.) Figure out what your girl loves. if she say loves candy get her some candy and have a cute little note with it.. or send it in the school mail or the actual mail it doesn't matter.
2.) take a pack of gum (15 pieces) and take the gum out of the rappers but keep the wrappers in good condition then write "dear" "name" "will" "you" "please" "go" "to" "homecoming" "with" "me" "?" "love" "name" and then whatever you want on the last 3 pieces.
3.)sticky notes everywhere on their car. Its simple just spell out homecoming? all around the car. if you want to be extra creative write a message on every piece.
4.) Make a huge sign saying something like "Homecoming?"
5.) Make it really public.. do it in front of a lot of people (girls feel really bad turning you down in a large crowd)

 ways to say yes:
1.) Write a note and send it through the school mail or actual mail.
2.) Run up to them give them a hug and say yes really loud. Guys would love that.
3.) say yes back in the same way they asked you like giving them a gum wrapper or writing on a sticky note, yelling it out in public. etc.

over all it doesn't really matter how you ask or how you say yes as long as you are going with someone you want to be going with. Also don't forget to have a great night!(:

Hope my tips helped!
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Out of the Darkness

Today I went to the suicide prevention walk. My friend Melissa went with me and here is how the day went and a review of the event:

We first got to Ellis park around 9 am. It was pretty cold but they had hot coca and coffee, it was free which was really nice. They also had pop water and orange juice. They had apples, banana, bagels, and donuts as well which were all provided by businesses in Cedar Rapids. All of that was free. Oh not to mention they had popcorn too. my favorite. I give the the sponsors a ten out ten because they worked really hard to provide food and drinks and they did a spectacular job doing so.

When the even started at 10 they announced a few things and then they read the "Roll call for the ones missing" which was really sweet to hear every ones name we were supporting that day. They also talked about organization that people can attend if they are struggling. There weren't that many people crying at the event but you could tell a lot of people were still very emotional. There were a lot of different "teams" in support of everyone.  I give the presentation a ten out of 10 because it was really organized and well presented.

When the walking actually started there was lap #1 for support lap #2 for healing lap #3 for preventing suicide. You walked for the laps that applied to you. I walked all three laps, they were long laps but it was still nice to do. they put up the 3 markers indicating which lap it was. that walking part was fun but it was really cluttered. I'd give that part am eight out of ten but they can't really control how people walk.

That was the end of the walk. Melissa and i stayed for a little bit after and talked to some people we knew. we hung up signs supporting the people we have lost to suicide and looked at the messages everyone else had left. that part was the most emotional and yet the best it was really wonderful hearing stories and seeing these messages about people I didn't know.


Monday, September 10, 2012

How to Master Scoprion & Turn in Second

How To Master 2 Dance moves in One Month

·         turns in second

·         Scorpions ((hold your foot behind your head)

I’m going to explain a 4 week plan on how to master the dance moves above, some people this may come faster than others and for some it will take longer than 4 weeks.

 Turns in Second:

Week One: every day you need to stand with a chair or bar behind you. You place your hands on the chair for support, with your back to the chair. Raise your right leg to about waist high and rotate your leg from left to right. Repeat 15 times and then do your left. After you can successfully do 15 on each leg without it hurting you are ready to move on to no chair. You then repeat the same process but not using a chair.  
Week Two: Set yourself up for a turn (I prefer to use Elvis) Elvis is when you turn to the right so you’re facing sideways. Put feet shoulder-with apart and put your hand over your head and clasp them. You then turn to the front without moving your feet and put your hands down in an “L” shape with your right hand out to the front and left to the side. You then “spot check” by simply picking something to always look at, you will be turning to the right and not losing the object you are spotting. Practice that a bunch each time setting up with Elvis.
Week Three: You are now ready to try turning.  When you turn to the back that is when you pick your right leg up and kick it out to that position you did in the first exercise. When you turn all the way back to the front you open your arms from first position to second. You need to keep practicing this and each time you will get better.   

Week Four:  Is all about editing your technique. There is always room for improvement. Here is  a link of what perfect turns in second look like.

Week one: This week you are prepping yourself for the final “product” This is the most crucial stage. You need to stretch your back by doing the “seal” and “cat” the seal is laying on your stomach while holding yourself with straight arms and knees on the floor, the cat is just putting your booty in the air and arching your back into a ball form. Another way to stretch is doing the splits.

Week Two: You are now ready to start doing a Scorpion. Grab your left foot with your left hand.  Take your right hand grab the ball of your foot and bring twist your back so it’s straight but your leg is making a “C” You hold your foot with both hand.

Week Three: Practice, Practice, Practice.  The more you practice the straighter your base leg is going to get and the better your back with arch into the scorpion.
Week Four: If you have mastered the scorpion you can move on to a needle. All you need to do is straighten your scorpion leg. Keep everything else the same, but you will need to slide your hands down to your ankle.  


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