Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dedicated to my brother RIP

April 21st 2012 was one of the worst days of my life, I have never cried so much in my life. On that day my brother committed suicide, when I heard the news it took me awhile to process it and when I did all I wanted to do was throw up. When I think about it today I still get sick. I know he had a really bad life, it hurts me everyday thinking about that, I haven't seen him in four years and I was always hoping his life had gotten better. When we were little we knew we would be separated some day and we had made a plan that on my 22nd birthday we would meet up again and find our other brother Jesse. Tony (my brother) was about 3 years older then me. He was born June 18th 1992. he decided to end his life by walking on train tracks. At 3am that Saturday morning a train was coming. Fast. When the men running the train saw him they whistled the horns continuously but Tony didn't move. The train then tried to stop, but it was too late. Too late. I play this scene over and over in my head and never saw it happen I can just picture it. It makes me cry every time.

I told you this story because teen depression is a serious issue. People need to know that you can't just be mean to who ever you want. If you are a bully STOP! You don't know what their home life is like, they could be getting abused at home like my brother and at school like him. I was fortunate enough not to have ever been abused but Tony wasn't. Every time I visited him and my mother he had new scares and new bruises. If you see some one that has bruises and scares all over talk to them, make sure they are okay!

What I went through and am still going through really sucks and I don't want anyone to have to go through it. I want to prevent suicide but I need your help! If you some one that is depressed find some one for them to talk to or be that person they can talk to. No one should have to be alone. If you are depressed PLEASE go talk to some one. And I need be talk to me. I am here for you.

If you know some one that committed suicide you know how I feel and if you don't. It is something you should never have to deal with. I feel bad for everyone that has gone through what I have. I am so thankful that I didn't have to do it alone. If you need help contact boys town national hot line they helped through it and so did my friends and family.

Over all please just keep a few things in mind. If you are bulling some one STOP if you know some who is depressed GET THEM HELP and if you are depressed TALK TO SOMEONE there are so many people that care about you and you don't believe it. I care. So please please just remember this.

Thanks for listening if you have any questions or comments just post them.

RIP A.R.F. 6/18/92 – 4/21/12

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Who's Lexi?

My name is Lexi. I am a dancer, I have been taking dance classes for about 11 years now. I am also a cheerleader for Kennedy High School’s football and basketball teams. I work at Papa Murphy’s were my favorite Kind of pizza is Veggie DeLite or Cheese DeLite. I was born in Minot, North Dakota where I lived until I was five When I was five I moved to Iowa with my dad. It was a struggle at first because my dad didn’t have a lot of money but we are just fine now! I used to visit my birth mother in North Dakota but I haven’t since I turned 12, that's when my step mom adopted me. she is my mom in every way. I love her so much. On April 21st 2012 my brother Tony died. He has always lived in North Dakota, I really miss him. I have another brother Jesse that lives in Missouri. In Iowa I live with my Brother Chase, sister Courtney, mom Bry, dad Brian, 3 cats Milo, Buggy, Cubbie, my kitten GiGi, my dog Emmitt, and my guinea pig Archie. It is sometimes a zoo! My other responsibilities outside of AP Lang would be: being yearbook editor, I babysit a lot. and doing my chores at home.

My abilities as a writer would be, I am good with writing I love to write, I try to write every day. I am really bad at spelling though, really bad. As a reader, I try really hard to read every night for a half hour but some nights I just don't have the time :( . As a speaker, I'm not shy I will speak in front of audience I will sit there and make a fool of myself I don't care! I don't care what people have to say about me. They can call me weird it's okay, I know I'm weird, I just like to have fun with life. I am a great listener. I care what others have to say even if I don't like them and we are in a language arts class so I need to show my respect to my classmates and listen to what they have to say if I want them to listen to what I have to say.

My teacher last year was Mrs. Goodmansen, for La-10. I really liked her, she was a good teacher so my experience was really good, my favorite unit was poetry and literature from the Holocaust my favorite thing out of the whole year was writing a story as if I was a Holocaust survivor and sharing it to the class from memory. I worked so hard on it and I loved it. I am kind of an LA nerd (: but I'm proud! My favorite subject is actually LA/ Yearbook I really enjoy literature and I love yearbook because it is literature. I love designing the pages as well. LA is my favorite because everyone writes and reads different and I love hearing everyone's different story! I signed up for this course because I do love La classes and I wanted more of a challenge then what LA-11 would be because Language Arts is easy for me and I enjoy it so much I wanted to push myself.

You can help me learn by pushing my LA boundaries and helping me experience new writing and reading techniques. Never settle for good with me always push me to do great!

I plan to always be honest with you and with myself, always do my homework, study and I will always be pushing myself to do better. I will always voice my opinion (unless it is negative) but I'll always participate in class. I will volunteer to go first . But I will also always try to be an upbeat happy person that everyone wants to be around and I will always be a positive influence on the LA class!

           My plans for the future are including Language Arts. I want to be a graphic designer or a reporter something that has to do with Journalism/ designing! That is how much I love yearbook and LA(: (NERD ALERT)

Well that about covers everything about me. If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
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