Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pet Holidays... Now you know!

Pet holidays?

That’s right there are tons of holidays specifically meant for your pet! Do you know what they are? Well I’m about to walk you through them month by month.

·         Walk your pet month, every day you are supposed to walk your dog, if you don’t have a dog, you lucked out, who would want to walk their dog in January?! Weird month to have this…
·         Train your dog month, that’s right you better get training!
·         January 2nd is National Pet Travel Safety Day… not really sure what that means…? I looked it up and it saying take your pet on a car ride, but buckle it up as you would a child or sibling… buckle your barker!
·         January 14 National Dress Up Your Pet Day! Got any cute pet costumes? Time to dress up your pet.
·         January 22nd National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day. To be honest I have no idea what this means…
·         January 24th Change a pet’s life day. Whether it’s adopting a homeless pet or fostering one, donating something to the pet our taking a lost puppy to the vet.

·         Spay/Neuter Awareness Month. Take care of your pet and spay/neuter them.
·         Pet Dental Heath Month. Take care of your pets teeth, by brushing them and getting them all cleaned up!
·         Responsible Pet Owners Month, be a responsible pet owner, take care of your pet like you would your child.
·         February 7-14th Have a Heart for Chained Dog week, don’t chain your dog up, make sure it gets lots of air outside and is able to run around!
·         February 14th Pet Theft Awareness Day. Everyday pets are lost or stolen, on this day take a moment to consider ways to make sure your pets safety is in tack.
·         February 20th Love Your Pet Day. As you should love your pet every day, take a special moment to love your pet, give it a treat!
·         February 28th World Spay Day. Is your pet spayed or neutered? No? Go today!
·         February 22 2012 Walking the Dog Day. Make sure you take your dog on a walk today!
·         February 23rd International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day. Just give your dog a biscuit!

·         Poison Prevention Awareness Month. Make sure all harsh chemicals are away from your pet!
·         March 3 If Pets Had Thumbs Day. Ever wonder what would happen if your pet had thumbs?
·         March 5-11 National Pet Sitters Week. Take the week to thank your pet sitter!
·         March 23rd National Puppy Day. Adopt a Puppy from your local shelter!

·         National Pet First Aid Awareness Month. Make sure you know how to help your pet if they are ever in trouble!
·         Prevent Lyme disease in Dogs Month, Make sure you are checking for ticks!
·         Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month, be aware of how animals are treated all over the world and take note to try and stop it.
·         April 10th ASPCA Day!
·         April 11th National Pet Day Take the day to honor your furry or not so furry friend.
·         Third week in April is National Pet ID Week. Make sure your pet has been chipped so it if it’s ever lost or stolen it can be returned to you!
·         April 26th National Kids and Pets Day. This day is to celebrate the special bond between animals and kids.
·         April 27th Hairball Awareness Day, are you aware of your cats hairballs?

·         National Pet Month, be extra loving to your pet this month
·         Chip Your Pet Month. Make sure your pet has been chipped!
·         May 6-12th Be Kind to Animals Week. Be nice to animals all week!
·         Second Saturday in May, Animal Disaster Preparedness Day, are you prepared for a disaster? What will happen to your pet?
·         May 20-26 Dog Bite Prevention Week, when a dog bites it isn’t the dogs fault is was a humans fault. This week is to prevent dogs from biting.
·         Adopt a Cat Month, have you adopted a cat this month?
·         Adopt a Shelter Cat Month. If you’re adopting a cat this month do it from the shelter.
·         June 4th Hug your Cat Day. Just give your cat a little squeeze today!
·         1st week in June Pet Appreciation Week. Show them how much you care!
·         June 10th World pet Memorial Day. Take the day to remember your pets from the past.
·         June 22nd take Your Dog to Work Day. Today is the special day where you can take your dog to work, (you may want to ask your boss first)

Well now you know the pet holidays from January to June!

(750 words)

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